8. Design Chess Game

Write code for low level design of game of Chess.
We have a chessboard with 8x8 squares on it.

A chess board has exactly 6 kinds of pieces:
K - king, Q- queen, R - rook,
B - bishop, H - knight (Horse) and P - pawn
Pieces are of white and black colour.

Below is how the board looks like. White pieces are in row-0 and row-1 and black pieces are at row-7 and row-6 in the beginning.


First character is colour and second character is type of piece.
e.g. WR is white rook, BK is black king and so on.
We have 1 King, 1 Queen, 2 Knights, 2 Rooks, 2 Bishops, 8 Pawns of both white and black colour

  • - Chess is played between two players. One player controls white pieces and the other controls black pieces.

  • - Each piece has its own way of moving on the board (see below). Each player needs to move a piece in each turn.

  • - A player may move their piece an empty cell or to a
    position currently occupied by a piece of the opponent,
    hence capturing the piece. Players can never capture their own piece.

  • - The game starts with the player owning the white pieces making the first move.
    After this, the players play alternate turns.
    Game ends when King of either white or black is captured.

Below are the list of moves. An actual chess game may have few additional rules/moves. But for this question you code should only stick to below moves.

  • King (K): Your main player.
    If your king is killed then you lose and game ends.
    A king can move one step in any direction: horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.

  • Queen (Q):
    A queen can move any number of steps in any direction: horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.

  • Knight/Horse (H):
    A knight makes 'L' shape or 2+1 moves,
    i.e., two steps horizontally and one step vertically or two steps vertically and one step horizontally.
    Knight is the only piece that can jump over other pieces to land directly on the destination cell.

  • Bishop (B):
    A bishop can move any number of steps diagonally

  • Rook (R):
    A rook can move any number of steps either horizontally or vertically

  • Pawn (P):
    Pawn has two separate moves.
    If it is moving to an empty square then it can move only 1 step forward vertically.
    If it is capturing an opponents piece then it can only move diagonally vertically.

You can practice this question in either Java or Python
Implement the below methods in Solution class:

init(Helper08 helper, String[][] chessboard)
  • helper has methods like, helper.print("") and helper.println("")
    which you can use for printing logs
  • chessboard is the same String array that we saw above

String move(int startRow, int startCol, int endRow, int endCol)
  • User who has the current turn makes the move
  • returns "invalid" for invalid move, (explain) empty string "" for success
    and "WH", "WQ" etc to represent the piece killed e.g. WH= white knight, WQ=white queen,

int getGameStatus()
  • returns 0 for game in progress,
  • 1 for white has won,
  • 2 for black has won

int getNextTurn()
  • returns 0 for white,
  • 1 for black,
  • -1 for game already finished

Input Example
Game begins: init(helper, chessboard) : we saw the 8x8 chessboard array above
Player with white pieces makes the first move.

move(1, 5, 2, 5), returns '',
White Pawn moves from (1, 5) to (2, 5)
getNextTurn() returns 1
getGameStatus() returns 0

move(6, 6, 5, 6), returns '',
Black Pawn moves from (6, 6) to (5, 6)
getNextTurn() returns 0
getGameStatus() returns 0

move(2, 5, 3, 5), returns '',
White Pawn moves from (2, 5) to (3, 5)
getNextTurn() returns 1
getGameStatus() returns 0

move(6, 2, 5, 2), returns '',
Black Pawn moves from (6, 2) to (5, 2)
getNextTurn() returns 0
getGameStatus() returns 0

move(0, 1, 2, 2), returns '',
White Knight moves from (0, 1) to (2, 2)
getNextTurn() returns 1
getGameStatus() returns 0

move(6, 4, 5, 4), returns '',
Black Pawn moves from (6, 4) to (5, 4)
getNextTurn() returns 0
getGameStatus() returns 0

move(1, 7, 2, 7), returns '',
White Pawn moves from (1, 7) to (2, 7)
getNextTurn() returns 1
getGameStatus() returns 0

move(7, 6, 5, 7), returns '',
Black Knight moves from (7, 6) to (5, 7)
getNextTurn() returns 0
getGameStatus() returns 0

move(2, 2, 3, 4), returns '',
White Knight moves from (2, 2) to (3, 4)
getNextTurn() returns 1
getGameStatus() returns 0

move(6, 5, 5, 5), returns '',
Black Pawn moves from (6, 5) to (5, 5)
getNextTurn() returns 0
getGameStatus() returns 0

move(3, 4, 5, 5), returns 'BP',
White Knight moves from (3, 4) to (5, 5) and kills (captures) Black Pawn
getNextTurn() returns 1
getGameStatus() returns 0

move(6, 0, 5, 0), returns '',
Black Pawn moves from (6, 0) to (5, 0)
getNextTurn() returns 0
getGameStatus() returns 0

move(5, 5, 7, 4), returns 'BK',
White Knight moves from (5, 5) to (7, 4) and kills (captures) Black King
getNextTurn() returns -1
getGameStatus() returns 1, i.e. player with white pieces has WON.

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